We're Number 40!!! 72 are college rankings kinda like sports polling? Look long enough and you’ll find one you like. USNews has UCSB ranked number 5 and we at 10. Then WSJ comes out and we are at 3 just behind UCB and UCLA. How can this be so? Far different criteria for sure. USNews is very big on alumni giving, endowments size, faculty reputation, all the flashy stuff that few public’s can compete with. I guess UCSB can. But, as I see it the WSJ is much more based on outcomes for the students, not how many Nobels on a campus. How many undergrads did Oppenheimer or Lawrence teach while they were discovering new elements at Berkeley? I would say none, yet Berkeley still benefits from all this stuff. In no way do I mean to demean Berkeley (wife) for this, but still the USNews model does not sufficiently reflect student outcomes which I feel are much more important.