
  • Contingency plan for smoke?
    Kezar games were a blast. In those days the Niners were not very good. Saw Brodie intercepted four times against the cowboys. Go to the kezar pub close by and watch the players drive home. Applaud them from the sidewalk and they all would smile and wave back. YA Title was absolutely the fan favorite. Legend has it that after a particularly bad loss he pulled over to the sidewalk and asked for a roader beer. Great guy and still with us I think. Those were the days. . . . .
  • Causeway Cup, 2021-22
    An 18 year old Ukrainian golfer playing golf in the states at this time is so sad. Who said golf was a mental game or not? Or if she should even still play. This is where true great coaching comes into play. Coach should be on the phone with her every few hours and her teammates. F*****g Russian war. Hate those russkie bastards.
  • Men's 2022 Big West Basketball Tournament March 8-12
    Don’t know how Les will do recruiting in Africa. But go for it!
  • Heather Morgan cyber criminal or talented uc davis rapper?
    “Go eaters, Go” maybe outside the box, but very odd and/or non-sensible or just plain weird. I guess you could say that about any of the nick names for teams. We are the “Aggies” but have a humanized blue horse for a mascot called “Gunrock”named after an Army breeding stallion which could be easily viewed as a sexist male object. Absolutely no way to make that gender neutral. Texas A&M are the “Aggies” as well, but they have a dog as their mascot. Forget name, but presumably can be either male or female dog. So kudos to Texas for being so politically correct which has to be somewhat of an anomaly for that state.
  • Heather Morgan cyber criminal or talented uc davis rapper?
    AggieFinn2’s post was absolutely hilarious and I agree with everything he said, except I think we should keep the jury out on heather for awhile. I do not know anything about cryptocurrency and I don’t want to know anything about it. Just very creepy and weird stuff. I think the vegan cow idea is great. Except she/he/it has to be non-binary so names may be a bit of a challenge. Is the BWC the repository of the worst sports names or what? Dirt bags? Eaters? What the hell os a Triton? Why does Santa Barbara have a South American cowboy for a mascot? MAybe we just do a redesign of Gunrock’s costume so he looks less dragon like? Change color to brown. Why not just use the real horse that the gal rides onto the field before each game? Maybe change mascot to the steam tractor we used to have at games. Call it “Steamy” bring it out of retirement and buy a lot of insurance on it. Would be very unique!
  • Heather Morgan cyber criminal or talented uc davis rapper?
    I am interested in whether there is any polling on the athletic fee vote. Didn’t see anything in the Aggie today, except now there’s a campaign to remove Gunrock and put in place a cow as our mascot. Maybe not a bad idea as I have no preference there. Remember they are kids with little else to do except studying. Having some fun. Use do it myself. Love those kids. . . .
  • New Covid Protocol - Vax or Neg Test required
    Who actually believes this sort of complete nonsense?
  • College baseball rankings are pointless
    I stumbled onto this in the UC Davis Magazine. AD Rocko Duluca stated that the next project on the Athletics agenda is this: improvement of the BB and SB facilities INCLUDING LIGHTS!
    This should have gotten more Attention but this will instill new vigor into these very important sports here.
  • Paul Shelton heads back to Tennessee, HS HC
    River, we sold our davis house in 2014 to a recent ucd md grad. Had to see his pre qualifications letter. His starting salary at sutter davis: $550,000 a year. Granted he was an orthopedist and chief resident, but still with that salary he will have no problems with paying off a student loan.
  • Baseball home opener vs SMC this afternoon!
    We have to be one of the worst teams to schedule on the west coast. For the opponents and for us. Finn has pointed this out numerous times. Main reason: no lights. Why does this exist? Did sac or Chico have to rely on a big donor to get their lights? How does a university with a billion+ budget explain this? I believe the conduits are in, so what are we looking at? $300,000? That is chump change for May and Rocko. Get it done and it will show solidarity with the BB program that no one else has done.
  • MBB Games at UCSD and UCI Cancelled
    This is a smart virus. It realized that with delta it was going to kill itself off if it did not mutate. Which it then did with omicron. This could well continue until it is like the flu. So I think cmt is absolutely correct on this. The problem I see is that a highly transmissible flu will still keep guys from playing. So maybe we just keep up with the vaccine development and wait this thing out. So next season? Who can possibly know?
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    Interesting article in the Washington Post today regarding former Aggie player/coach Ejiro Evero (wish I could past it). He is now with the Rams as the D backs coach. Article says he will go to Denver to be Hacketts DC. Incredible career. Nice words about the Aggie program. Good read.
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    Someone posted that Hawk mentioned that the Edwards APC was a factor in the recruiting process. Does anyone know what he actually said and why? I watch the construction cams from time to time and it is actually a very large building and from my very limited experience going to be an attractive building. I have no idea what’s inside, but I must believe it’s pretty impressive there too. I wonder in they put hard hats on the kids and take-them on a tour. That would be very cool.
  • New HC is Tommy Nicholson
    I am hoping against hope that when all is said and done (including the AS vote to eliminate or reduce ICA fees) the Edwards facility will lighten the burden of recruiting to UCD as it will be a one of a kind asset. I hope that BB will benefit from this as I think Hawk mentioned at the signing occasion for football. Also, LIGHTS!!! Please someone come forward and get this done!
  • New HC is Tommy Nicholson
    Still no roster posted for baseball. Most D1 teams will have a roster by now, including Cal, sac, OK, Stanford. Both Carrell brothers have made the team at OK (no surprise there). Nicholson has his hands full just being able to put a team on the field, much less coming up with a winning team. Recruiting must be a nightmare for the poor guy due to the mess he has to clean up. On the other hand, who really expects much this year anyhow?
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    I totally agree with CA. Think Tompkins and LL are the key to the future for us. I do not see any real anxiety on the QB spot.
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    I am really impressed as to how you guys get this information. Is it top secret or can we all get it? Good work movie and forever on this!
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    Exactly what we needed a tall and athletic WR.
  • Students to vote on defending ICA?
    Movie not true. Reagan started this back in the day. I Recall him standing up and saying California universities were the hotbeds of socialism and w ere the scum of the earth. I know. I was there when Reagan came to Chico where I was a student for a short time. He was on a trip for Goldwater. He stood up and said that Roosevelt was a closet communist and that social security was the bane of the country. Then Totally eviscerating higher education when. We elected him governor and the gutting of California higher education was started. Don’t even try and blame this mess on the dems. Although i readily admit they never really fought back well. And do not now to this day. Why?
  • Students to vote on defending ICA?
    Yes, I think the front page thing is a bit ridiculous, but what the hell to do about it. Sac Bee has only to cover crimes and mansion sites to cover it’s bottom line. I subscribe to the online only, but it is a very boring newspaper in my view. Don’t know why I even do that. But this story is actually an interesting one because uc davis is the only really interesting thing going on in sac. And it is actually about a real issue: the outsized cost of higher education in CA caused by administration s of both parties negligence and stupidity. Bee ignores this issue and puts a deflated football on the front page? Who runs this f***king newspaper?