Valuable reps burning right now...good for all these underclassmen, just remember, shutouts don't matter next week when it's 25 degrees in the 4th quarter, and every Griz fan in Western Montana is screaming their lungs out.
There's this guy named Lan Larison. Now, Perez, he's a senior and does a lot of things on the offense, not just running the ball, but he blocks his butt I think they want three full years of Fisher? Is that where we're at with Fish?
Hearing Jon Grant talk about Vincent Jackson's death (former UNC Bear) - I'm reading that he passed under very bad circumstances associated with Stage 2 Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). Very sad, he was a hell of a player.
I know Lamb drew a ton from the Polynesian community in the Salt Lake area while coaching at Weber State. Lamb's Wildcat teams were always big and physical - a lot of those young men were of that Poly ilk.