
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    Doss caught the first pass of the game.
  • FCS Games of Note: Week 6

    Here are the rankings of all Division I teams on our schedule after 6 Games:

    Ranking - School - (Previous Week)

    30 North Dakota State (38)
    39 California (33)
    79 Montana (93)
    99 Weber State (105)
    108 Montana State (115)
    118 Sacramento State (146)
    122 North Dakota (133)
    125 UC Davis (121)
    155 Cal Poly (149)
    160 Portland State (166)
    165 San Diego (170)
    208 Southern Utah (201)
    216 Lehigh (229)

    Interesting tidbits:
    Sacramento State is now ranked higher than UC Davis.
    Sacramento State is ranked #11 in the FCS rankings.
    UC Davis improved one spot to #13 in the FCS rankings.
    North Dakota State is now #30 in the all Div.I rankings.
    Montana moved up to #79 in the all Div. I rankings.

    Next up is #155 Cal Poly at home.
    Massey predicts an 81% chance of winning with a score of 37 to 24.
  • Week 6: UC Davis @ North Dakota
    I think Tehran Thomas, Crawford(?), and Harrell are out today. That's a lot of offensive power missing.
  • Week 6: UC Davis @ North Dakota
    My Pluto TV stream started working about two minutes.
    However, when I said that in the previous Pluto TV game, it immediately stopped working for me.
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    Keelan Doss just caught a 14 yard pass for a first down. Is that his first reception in the regular season?
  • FCS Games of Note: Week 5

    Here are the rankings of all Division I teams on our schedule after 5 Games:

    Ranking - School - (Previous Week)

    33 California (20)
    38 North Dakota State (36)
    93 Montana (119)
    105 Weber State (114)
    115 Montana State (123)
    121 UC Davis (102)
    133 North Dakota (130)
    146 Sacramento State (154)
    149 Cal Poly (160)
    166 Portland State (161)
    170 San Diego (174)
    201 Southern Utah (195)
    229 Lehigh (236)

    UC Davis and California are the biggest losers in this week while Montana is the biggest winner.
    Modest ranking improvements are made for Sacramento State, Cal Poly, Montana State, and Weber State.
    The latter two teams pass UC Davis in this week's rankings.

    Next up is #133 North Dakota.
    Massey predicts a 50% chance of winning with a score of 27 to 28.
  • FCS Games of Note: Week 4

    Here are the rankings of all Division I teams on our schedule after 4 Games:

    Ranking - School - (Previous Week)

    20 California (30)
    36 North Dakota State (35)
    102 UC Davis (112)
    114 Weber State (117)
    119 Montana (124)
    123 Montana State (119)
    130 North Dakota (130)
    154 Sacramento State (166)
    160 Cal Poly (163)
    161 Portland State (164)
    174 San Diego (197)
    195 Southern Utah (195)
    236 Lehigh (236)

    There are several significant ranking improvements after 4 games:

    California jumped from #30 to #20 after defeating #70 Mississippi.
    UC Davis jumped from #112 to #102 after doing better than expected vs. North Dakota State.
    Sacramento continues to climb after losing against #48 Fresno State.
    San Diego jumps from #197 to #174 after beating #163 Harvard.

    Next up is #119 Montana.
    Massey predicts a 72% chance of winning with a score of 35 to 28.
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ North Dakota State
    I'm just glad we survived the first quarter.
  • FCS Games of Note: Week 3

    Here are the rankings of all Division I teams on our schedule after 3 Games:

    Ranking - School - (Previous Week)

    30 California (32)
    35 North Dakota State (31)
    112 UC Davis (106)
    117 Weber State (112)
    119 Montana State (123)
    124 Montana (118)
    130 North Dakota (130)
    163 Cal Poly (147)
    164 Portland State (161)
    166 Sacramento State (178)
    195 Southern Utah (198)
    197 San Diego (193)
    236 Lehigh (236)

    Sacramento State has moved up double digits again after a 50-0 win against Northern Colorado.
    The biggest rank drop is Cal Poly after losing against Oregon State 45-7.
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    Nice 4th down conversion rate! :)
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    It would be easier if a fan in the stands just make a live video feed on YouTube or Facebook off of their iPhone right now.

    That would be better than Pluto.
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    Defensive line already looks better than last week.
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    My Pluto was choppy during pregame. I restarted it, and closed any memory consuming tabs. It seems stable now but with poor resolution.
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    What's the strategy of deferring after the coin toss? That seems to be the default strategy for the past several years.
  • Week 3: Lehigh @ UC Davis
    Does anyone have an idea of Lehigh's strengths and weaknesses? I just want a guideline on what I should watch in the next game.
  • FCS Games of Note: Week 2

    Hi SloStang,

    How did Cal Poly's defensive line and linebackers do against San Diego? I just need another data point to compare to UCD's defense vs. San Diego.

    Also, I haven't been paying attention to Cal Poly recently, but I thought they played a variant of the triple option. Was that a different era and/or coach?
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    I hope the following doesn't come into play:

  • FCS Games of Note: Week 2

    Here are the rankings of all Division I teams on our schedule after 2 Games:

    Ranking - School - (Previous Week)

    31 North Dakota State (37)
    32 California (54)
    106 UC Davis (105)
    112 Weber State (118)
    118 Montana (120)
    123 Montana State (132)
    130 North Dakota (131)
    147 Cal Poly (145)
    161 Portland State (167)
    178 Sacramento State (191)
    193 San Diego (196)
    198 Southern Utah (193)
    236 Lehigh (236)

    The big movers from week 1 to week 2 in our schedule are the double digit ranking improvements for Cal and Sacramento State. Also, Montana State and North Dakota switched places.

    Next week's game vs. Lehigh should be the easiest game in our schedule.
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ San Diego
    I don't know if anyone could tell from the stream, but there were a LOT of Aggie fans at the game. At least half of one side of the stadium seemed to be filled with people wearing blue and gold.OC Aggie

    Yeah. It was obvious in the stream. If I couldn't visually tell if UCD did well on a certain play, I just listen to the audience reactions. If it's loud, then I knew the play was in UCD's favor.


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