
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Meanwhile we are over here picking our noses gloating about 14,000 at the football game knowing it will be lucky to break 9,000 come November.
    Just kidding, it was late September against the number 4 team in the nation.
  • 2024 Big Sky Scores
    The Viks made the trip all the way to Chattanooga? Wow.
  • 2024 Big Sky Scores
    The elevation in Flagstaff is no joke. Even in pretty good shape years ago it was noticeable just stomping around pregame.
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Go play intramurals, brother. — Dan Hawkins

    We might as well…..
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Kadeezy, I’m going to need an introductory paragraph, three supporting paragraph, and a conclusion as well. Kidding.

    Good on Slack for going for it. We may be doing the same if our aspirational AD was still here.
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Regardless of how the university is perceived, it’s the back end of your post that I can see coming to fruition if Slack makes the jump solo.
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    The risk I think is if either UCD or CSUS make a move to change the status quo, would the market still support two teams or does the early mover put the other out of business?
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    That viewpoint goes out the window when the chancellor opines publicly that athletics is the front porch to a university.

    40,000 students. A $2B endowment. One of the top universities in the country. And nobody knows who we are, right PA?
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Kudos to Slack. They assembled financing to get to a certain threshold, then went public with a press conference to spur excitement and donations.

    Meanwhile we are over here picking our noses gloating about 14,000 at the football game knowing it will be lucky to break 9,000 come November.
  • Pac-12 set to add Boise, 3 other MW schools
    If Florida State can’t get out, Stanford and Cal won’t be able to, either.
  • Sac State to get a New Stadium
    Teresa Gould was announced as the next commissioner of the PAC 12 on February 19th.

    Given our shared history, and the status of that conference, we should have had an athletics forward planning task force set up on February 20th.
  • Football crowd participation ideas
    We went to a game at Neyland a few months after we moved out here, sang Rocky Top about 39 times as they put a 60-burger on Mizzou, it was great.
  • Pac-12 set to add Boise, 3 other MW schools
    Breaking news: Davis has more than students and a larger endowment (by far) than any current or future Pac 12 member.

    I love telling people out here my school is a “sister school” to Cal. LOVE IT.
  • Pac-12 set to add Boise, 3 other MW schools
    The chancellor needs to be out front on this, and Rocko needs to be doing more than tweet photoshopped renderings with no context. Are we still basking in the inconsequential glow that that the mayor’s state of the city address was at Aggie Square?
  • Football crowd participation ideas
    Bring back the bonfire.

    Oops, wrong thread.
  • Pac-12 set to add Boise, 3 other MW schools
    The “official” capacity is based on seats, so if the seats are relatively full and the berms are hopping, there ya go. Fire marshal capacity is more based on the ability for the crowd to safely exit the facility, so all of the gates and wide concourse assists with that number.
  • Pac-12 set to add Boise, 3 other MW schools
    If UNLV goes, I’d be cool with a trip to Laramie and Colorado Springs, but do any of those schools move the needle sufficiently more than the Big Sky foes? Schedule one every year or two but I don’t feel the need to see them every season.


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