
  • R.I.P. D2 football in California
    I think when I started the “student fees” were $68.50 per quarter and quickly jumped to a whopping $108.50. Probably in the $300.00 range by the time I graduated. No, we could not pay with a couple of chickens or a calf.

    But by the time of the D2 boards the tales of tuition-free or outright free-free education for California residents was a thing of the past.

    Of course someone can now do some research and prove just how much my memory is failing me.
  • No fan attendance-how are you holding up ?
    Looks like they River Cats weren't going to Texas this year anyway, and with the delayed opening they won't even play the Skeeters this season.
  • No fan attendance-how are you holding up ?
    When the PCL redoes its schedule...again...maybe you can get to Texas to see the River Cats play the Sugar Land Skeeters.

    This really sounds like a Disney movie.

    I love minor league nicknames.
  • No fan attendance-how are you holding up ?
    It is a small positive that restaraunts are looking for help, though it is probably part time and can't match unemployment benefits, at least for a while. The entire hospitality industry has been hit pretty hard. And no, let's not go too far down this road here.
  • No fan attendance-how are you holding up ?
    I have been a real fan of the cautious approach to this whole thing, including sports. Easy enough for me to do because I am retired, have a pension, and staying home is what I do best. Everytime I try to figure out a sports schedule, like everything else, it changes. We hope the cautious approach works, but I can sure understand COVID fatigue. Have received the shots, but feel like I am all dressed up with no place to go.

    Try to follow sports and as soon as someone establishes a schedule, it gets changed because your team or the opponent has COVID issues. Just pulled the River Cats schedule last night only to find that as soon as I hit 'Print' MLB told the minor leagues to bump the start of their schedules another month down the road. Who knew, other than Goags20172 that the minor leagues have completely overhauled their leagues. Perhaps Nashville, Omaha and Iowa weren't meant to be in the Pacific Coast League after all. The lesser sports I try to follow, (water polo, swimming, rugby...) are not competing at all. Hard to follow something as elusive as sports...and the whole season will have a big asterisk in any event.

    But the dog gets walked a lot.
  • R.I.P. D2 football in California
    And again, a hint of why I should not have gone down this path...

    The big difference between someone like Sochor and the D2 website tales about someone coming in from outside of the UC system to be an AD for three years, (besides Sochor being a legend who can do no wrong and entitled to whatever he got,) is that an outsider under that example would have a whopping 3 years of service with the university whereas Sochor had all those earlier years of coaching in addition to whatever time he spent as AD. I believe he was an assistant coach from 1967-1969, head coach from 1970-1988 and AD from 1989-91. (Wikipedia...) That's roughly 24 years with Davis. Might even have more service from his 4 or 5 seasons at S.F. State if there is reciprocity between the CSU and UC systems. Assume 24 years...and retiring at 2.5% per year...he's at 60%. The outsider would be at 7.5%.

    And yes there are arguments to be made about employees who finish strong for three years, set their three year look-back at that high level and then retire, allowing someone else to have their turn. Rumors, tales and stories abound about things like that....but we have gone too far from Aggie sports already.

    Another anecdote about rumors...I recall a discussion on the D2 football site many, many years ago in which someone from, I believe NDSU, commented that UC was tuition free to California residents. If those days ever existed, they were long gone by the time the comment was made. I did a quick unscientific look and concluded that in-state tuition at UC was more expensive than out-of-state tuition at NDSU.
  • R.I.P. D2 football in California
    And this is why I hesitated, and probably should have resisted, getting into public employment retirement plans.

    Like so much in life, particularly in the age of social media, there are a lot of rumors and stories out there. Years ago my wife and I sat at a dinner table with an elderly couple from a town in the Sierras. They ran a little B&B place, and were not big fans of local government, taxes, regulations, etc. as one might expect. That's fine. They said that in their county all of the jobs were given to friends and relatives of one family and that employees were able to retire after 5 years with a full pension. That is highly unlikely. I looked up the county later. The county's retirement plan is managed by CalPers. No one is getting a pension of 20% per year.

    As Dr. Mike noted, most pensions involve three factors: salary, length of service and an age related multiplier. That was the same for the local government for which I worked for over 35 years. As you get older the multiplier increases, but 2.5% sounds about right for people in their 60s. Safety employees...think peace officers and firemen,...get a little better deal, with something like 3% at 50 (or 55?) years of age...and where I worked they maxed out at 90% of their highest salary, so there was no incentive to work beyond 30 years.

    Also you probably don't get to start work in your 20s and retire in 5 years and collect a pension of any size. Usually you have to work a certain number of years, say 10, or be a relatively high age, like over 60, to collect retirement. Even in the former case you cannot collect the pension until you reach a certain age, say 50. You may start at 20 and "retire" from that job after 10 years at 30, but you cannot collect your pension until you are 50...and the multiplier for retiring at age 50 is pretty low.

    3% per year, for employees other than safety personnel sounds very high. Even at that, coming to California to scoop up that enticing pension...3% for 5 years would give you a pension of 15% of your salary. Not the gold mine at the western end of the rainbow that people seem to think it is.

    But, I digress.
  • R.I.P. D2 football in California
    I hesitate to get into the topic of public employment's an emotionally charged issue and we have travelled down that path already in the last year. There are a lot of rumors out there on public employee pensions and to be sure there are a lot of ugly stories about pension abuses.

    I have no idea what the formulae are for UC and CSU pensions, but I suspect that five years of even a high end job at a UC or CSU is not going to put anyone on Easy Street. I cannot imagine that there is a whole lot of reciprocity with out-of state private universities.

    But I could be wrong. I often am.

    In the spirit of disclosure I retired after over 35 years in a professional/management level job with a municipal public agency with its own pension system (not managed by Calpers.) Had I worked there for five years, even five years at the end of my career, you would see me at intersections with a crudely lettered cardboard sign asking for spare change.
  • Big Sky Scores
    (...or nobody had any confidence in the officials' ability to recognize a field goal when they saw one.....)
  • Montana, Montana State opt out of spring FCS championship season
    We are wandering farther astray from Big Sky football, but film locations have to do with a lot of things far removed from authenticity. The series Longmire, about a sherriff in a fictional county in Wyoming, (a good series for people who like Yellowstone,) was filmed in New Mexico.

    The movie about a high school girl in Sacramento, Lady Bird, did a lot of filming in Sacramento, but also did a lot in the LA area. The writer, director, etc. for the movie grew up in Sacramento, and did the movie as sort of an homage to her childhood and her hometown, but in an interview said she filmed in LA because of economic reasons, including grants and other incentives that were better in Los Angeles.
  • Montana, Montana State opt out of spring FCS championship season

    "Watching the Yellowstone series on Peacock during Covid lockdown.

    One of the story lines has a liberal female character teaching American & Native American history at either Montana or Montana State.

    Beautiful country, if its Montana."

    I googled something like where is "Yellowstone" filmed? Lot of entries, but a lot of it has been filmed in Utah. The fictitious "Dutton" Ranch is filmed at the "Chief Joseph Ranch" which is actually in Montana. Something I rolled by suggested that future filiming will concentrate in Montana itself.
  • COVID-19
    It's all because of satellite based lasers controlled by students at Sac State's engineering school. Trust me on this.
  • COVID-19
    When I wrote that I was thinking the bio at the end of the Times article said something about being from Sac so I hedged my bets... it clearly says she’s based in Sac. It’s a nice article and I’m glad for the good press for the school and the city.
  • COVID-19
    This has been discussed many times before, but the local newspaper scene is pretty dismal. A recent Bee article about the revised Big Sky spring football schedule appears to have been written by a writer who did little more than look at a computer.

    Other than the Cal Poly game there is no mention of away games.

    Not sure if this is because it's the off season or what we can expect as the Bee fights bankruptcy, but this article was "written" by a current journalism student at a local community college.

    The Bee has sold its physical property in Sacramento and I believe the paper is now printed elsewhere and trucked to town.

    Note that the NY Times article was written by a woman from Sacramento. Unclear if she still resides here. [As noted below, the article says the writer is in fact based in Sacramento.]
  • COVID-19
    Marc Hicks? He can't possibly be 54 now, can he? That would make me....never mind.

    Here's a retrospectiuve on Hicks from the August 2017 Enterprise:
  • COVID-19
    A California University Tries to Shield an Entire City From Coronavirus
    The University of California, Davis, is providing free testing, masks and quarantine housing to tens of thousands of people who live nearby.
    By Shawn Huber
    Jan. 30. 2021
    DAVIS, Calif. — The coronavirus test center on A Street was bustling on a recent morning. Michael Duey was in line, as usual, with his teenage son. Margery Hayes waited for her wife in the parking lot. Dr. Elizabeth Pham hustled her children in for a quick pit stop.
    Inside, each received a five-minute screening for the virus, administered and paid for by the University of California, Davis. Yet none of them is associated with the school.
    All last fall, universities across the country were accused of enabling the pandemic’s spread by bringing back students who then endangered local residents, mingling with them in bars, stores and apartments. So U.C. Davis is trying something different.
    Rather than turning the campus into a protective bubble for students and staff, as some schools have attempted, it has quietly spent the past six months making its campus bubble bigger — big enough, in fact, to encompass the entire city.
    Public health experts say the initiative is the most ambitious program of its type in the country and could be a model for other universities. U.C. Davis, part of the 10-campus University of California system, has made free coronavirus tests — twice weekly, with overnight results — available to all 69,500 people in the city of Davis and hundreds of nonresidents who just work there.
    It has also trained dozens of graduate students to help with contact tracing; recruited hotel and apartment owners to provide free isolation and quarantine housing to anyone in town exposed to the virus; and hired some 275 undergraduate ambassadors to combat health disinformation and hand out free masks.
    The university has also recently expanded campus wastewater testing into Davis, and in coming weeks plans to administer vaccinations at its coronavirus screening centers and to bring screening to some public school sites.
    Funded by major philanthropic donations, state and federal grants and CARES Act money, the program, projected to cost up to $38 million, has caught more than 850 potential outbreaks in Davis since it got underway shortly before Thanksgiving, according to Brad H. Pollock, who chairs the university’s department of public health sciences and directs the project.
    The mayor of Davis, Gloria Partida, calls the initiative “a big science project” that could help revive her pandemic-fatigued college town.
    Students make up roughly a third of the population in Davis. As they have dispersed to study remotely, the campus and the town have not only suffered financial losses but also been drained of much of their life force. Bars are closed. Streets are still. Hotels, bereft of parents and conferences, are generating little in bed taxes.
    “I know the university felt it needed to get this right to be able to open up,” Ms. Partida said. “But for the community — this is the key to us getting back to normalcy.”
    Though vaccines have begun to roll out, epidemiologists say playbooks like the one in Davis — masks, distance, hygiene and, in particular, cheap, rapid tests to detect cases quickly — may be the only way to reopen schools and businesses in the near term until the nation achieves herd immunity.
    Some schools last year used aggressive testing and tracing to bring students back into residence halls and classrooms, but their protocols typically stopped at the campus boundaries. Testing was so costly, slow and hampered by shortages of processing reagents that medical labs strained just to meet the demand at the universities.
    Meanwhile, many students returned to their college towns even if they were not planning to live in the dorms, either because they could not break pre-pandemic leases or because they preferred not to study remotely from their parents’ homes.
    Outbreaks erupted from off-campus parties, mass student gatherings, fraternity and sorority houses, athletic team dinners, even board games.
    “We heard a lot of anxiety from our community,” Ms. Partida said, “about what a disaster it was going to be when the students came back into town.”
    At the same time, the local economy was reeling. So was the university. Kelly Ratliff, its vice chancellor for finance, operations and administration, said that at last count, lost revenue stood at more than $80 million, due in part to drastically reduced room and board payments.
    With students not scheduled to return until late September, the university decided to exploit its lead time. “We had a chance to observe some of the missteps at other universities and we were dead set on not making those same mistakes,” said the chancellor, Gary May.
    Richard Michelmore, a plant geneticist who directs the U.C. Davis Genome Center, urged the university to let him try to create an in-house center for coronavirus testing by repurposing a $400,000 machine normally used to identify plant DNA for agricultural breeding.
    Within weeks, Dr. Michelmore’s lab was able to screen thousands of samples per day accurately, at low cost and with overnight results. That set the stage for frequent, wide-scale screening of asymptomatic students and inspired health experts to propose a joint public health project with the city.
    “What does it mean to keep your campus well when everyone else is getting sick around you?” said Dr. Pollock, the project director. “The university is part of the community.”
    By August, the university had invested in a second testing machine and drawn up a plan to cover the cost of additional personal protective equipment and screenings if the city would provide test sites and staffing.
    By mid-September, Dr. Michelmore’s machine was testing incoming students, first by the hundreds and then by the thousands. In mid-November, with the costs down to just $6 per test, the first residents were screened at the Davis senior center. Since then, the project, known as Healthy Davis Together, has opened two more large screening centers in town.
    The program also has deployed mobile screening centers and is processing tests for the University of California, Merced, and for employees and trainees at the U.C. Davis medical school campus in Sacramento. More screening kiosks are planned for elementary schools, which the city hopes can help pave the way for an in-person return to K-12 classrooms.
    Dr. Pollock and others at the university are tracking results, with plans to publish findings not only in scholarly journals but in white papers that can share best practices more immediately.
    Not everyone in the community has taken advantage of the program: About 35,000 people, or roughly half of the city, have come in at least once to be screened, and two-thirds of those were students or university employees, Dr. Michelmore said.
    But he noted that participation had risen sharply since the holidays as more sites have opened. More than 160,000 tests have been processed, not counting diagnostic tests done for people with symptoms, and more than a half-dozen Davis residents have received free quarantine or isolation housing. The program has cost the university about $14.5 million, with about half of the money spent in town and half on campus, said Ms. Ratliff, the vice chancellor. She said the school expected the initiative to continue at least through 2021.
    Though Davis has about a third of its county’s population, it has logged only about 15 percent of the coronavirus cases. That is partly because many in the college town can work from home. But it is also because of Healthy Davis Together, city officials and public health experts say.
    “We’ve taken some 850 people off the street who were walking around, asymptomatic,” Dr. Pollock said. “Every infection caught prevents, like, three more infections. And for every one of those three, three more get prevented, and so on. That has to make a difference, right?”
    Outside the test center, Mr. Duey, a web developer, said twice-weekly testing had made it possible for his 14-year-old son, Bowen, to spend time with friends from school and to attend remote classes in masks in one another’s backyards. It also enabled his wife, a nurse practitioner, to quickly isolate after she became infected in December.
    Ms. Hayes, 71, and her wife, Paula Ash, 70, who were getting tested in advance of a vaccine appointment, said they had seen TV ads about the free tests produced by the university and had come at the behest of their daughter, a local teacher. Dr. Pham, a family physician who had already gotten the vaccine, saw the screenings as a way for her teenage sons to finally visit their grandparents, whom they have not seen in months.
    “Hey, better safe than sorry,” said Marc Hicks, 54, a school district employee whose infection was caught in November three days before he experienced symptoms. The lead time, he said, enabled him to notify his supervisor at work and made it possible for contact tracers to identify people he might have infected. He still comes in every week, he said, because he cannot be sure whether he is immune or not.
    Many at the test centers, however, seemed to treat the screenings as a neighborly errand, part of the new normal in an abnormal time.
    “My wife and I are doing it weekly,” said Lucas Frerichs, the city’s vice mayor. “I went over not long ago, and one of the school board members was ahead of me in line.”
    Shawn Hubler is a California correspondent based in Sacramento. Before joining The Times in 2020 she spent nearly two decades covering the state for The Los Angeles Times as a roving reporter, columnist and magazine writer, and shared three Pulitzer Prizes won by the paper's Metro staff.  @ShawnHubler
    A version of this article appears in print on Jan. 31, 2021, Section A, Page 4 of the New York edition with the headline: A University Tries to Bring an Entire City Into Its Protective Bubble.
  • COVID-19
    There is so much misinformation about just what is going on with vaccinations. Sacramento County says only tier 1A which is some essential health care workers and residents of some care facilities, yet I know many whose only category is that they are over 65. They all got shots, couple already has had their second...and they all said no one ever demanded proof that they were in Tier 1A. Even saw people who appeared to be well under 65 (though I cannot say those people weren't frontline essential workers.) One person could not get an appointment but drove their spouse who had one. Clinic gave both of them shots and booked them both for No. 2. I try 20-30 times a day and can't get anywhere other than we're all booked, try another time.
  • Montana, Montana State opt out of spring FCS championship season
    Or waiting for some other school which is on the line...leading again to “not going to happen.”
  • Nevada and San Jose State...
    Spartans' season ended with a thud in a 34-13 loss to Ball State.
  • Nevada and San Jose State...
    "Commentators mentioned during the Boise/SJSU game that both coaches are getting chatter for the Arizona job."

    BSU coach taking Auburn job.