
  • FCS Playoffs Round 2: UNI @ UC Davis
    I'd love for us to go, but it entirely depends on if it is feasible.
  • FCS Playoffs Round 2: UNI @ UC Davis
    I have seen a lot about the game, but I'm also in Band-uh! so I hear about the games all the time and I might be more likely to notice football stuff than the average student. They had a table inside the coho where students could pick up tickets, right inside the west entrance where there's a lot of foot traffic. That struck me as a great place to have something like that. I've been seeing a lot of stuff on Facebook, but I like a lot of pages that put that stuff out so I'm not sure how much the average student sees.
  • FCS Playoffs Round 2: UNI @ UC Davis
    I plan on it. I'm at every home football game and just about every men's and women's basketball game. A couple years ago I had no interest in sports, and reading these posts actually helped me get really into it.
  • FCS Playoffs Round 2: UNI @ UC Davis
    I'm also a regular reader of this website but I never post anything. I'm a current student and am pretty thrilled about this game. I am trying to get a lot of my friends to go, but most of them are in the Band-uh! so they'll already be there. Hopefully at least a few other of my friends will go. If they don't, they'll miss out.


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