• UOP Penalized by NCAA for Violations
    I guess UOP has some new meanings. It used to be "U Owe Plenty" and "Ugly Old Potatoes". Now apparently it's also "University of Penalties". As if it wasn't bad enough when some members of their baseball team decided to try their hands at armed robbery about a dozen years ago. I bet their legal defense was, "But everyone else in town is doing it !)
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    Ah, the fighting hawks. I'm glad they clarified that the hawks are fighting. I was concerned they might be the Twitter Hawks.

    I wonder why Niagara University has the purple eagle as i's mascot. The eagle makes sense, but I don't get the purple. That could be offensive to people with difficulties seeing certain colors.

    One of these days some school is going to get sued and change their mascot to the human being like the fictional Greendale Community College in "Community".
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    :D lol you made my point for me re: Montana fans. Those are more of the make your own fun activities one could do closer to home..

    Ok, I see people are starting to take me very seriously about this, and I don't have any likes so it must not be funny. I'll take the post down before anyone from Cheney, Wash reminds me that the city was named after the former vice president when he visited there on his 50th birthday back in 1863.
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    Ah, but you made your own fun Dr. Mike. It's no fair using the nature card- that requires using your imagination lol. Still the Aggies have done better in Cedar City, and I'm sure it has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the teams involved :D
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    Happy nice things and no sarcasm.
  • Comstock article on Ryan Sypkens
    I've seen that training facility from the outside many times on light rail trips to/from Folsom. It's part of a huge complex with many sports- related buildings. You could easily hold a county fair in the parking lot alone.

    All I can say is that, as a parent, to go out to that stretch of Rancho Cordova you've got to really love your kid and believe in their athletic abilities, because that facility.is in the middle of nowhere. RC isn't that big, but you have miles of nothing but businesses that either occupy big warehouses or are just not pretty enough to be located where most people actually shop. Most cities have heavy industrial sections but this one nearly stretches all the way to the next city. I hope there are cafeterias in the training facilities, because if not it's a decent drive to get something to eat, unless you're craving sushi.
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    As long as it's not in my dinner bowl >:O
  • Big Sky?
    I think being in the Big Sky for basketball would be kind of lame. Like football the conference has too many members. You don't get to see every team (if you want to that is) at home each season. It really should be two conferences.
  • 2018 baseball schedule- Updated 12/3 !
    Per Hawaii's website they're the opponent that weekend. Making the switch
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    Is that the guy who was a regular on the Man Show.
  • Lumberjack football to get the ax?
    Oh, and 1 more thing. Why does Humboldt call it's women's teams the Lady Jacks? Why not the Lumberjills ? >:O
  • Lumberjack football to get the ax?
    What about the Seattle Redhawks ? ;)

    I almost went to Western Washington. Applied, got my acceptance letter + everything. It was a fallback in case Davis changed its mind. The lack of baseball would've been too much. Bellingham used to have a pro team during the summer that was affiliated with the Mariners and then the Giants, but it was just a notch above college ball. Now I think they just have a summer college team. If I'm not mistaken, isn't Bellingham pretty close to the Canadian border ?

    As a HS student visiting for Picnic Day I was surprised UCD had sports at all. From what I'd read I thought it would be like the movie PCU (that's Santa Cruz) or perhaps Revenge of the Nerds, if the Nerds had nobody on whom to exact revenge. I was pleasantly surprised.

    HSU may have gotten a win that time, but I remember the Lumberjacks pulled off the most hilarious play I've ever seen in a college football game (have only seen 40 something) in 1999 against the Aggies. The punter, with no one interfering with him, managed to punt the ball backwards over his head into the end zone for an Aggie safety. He would have looked less ridiculous if Lucy had simply made off with the ball during the attempt.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    That was pretty much my experience as well. I had some very passive Idaho State fans near me.

    SAC State is pretty much the same for basketball. 15 years ago or so they moved the games away from Memorial Auditorium to get more students to attend (read: save money). The crowds are still mostly old fogeys like me. There are students, but the random community members are the most passionate fans. It's the whole commuter school thing. With all the "ancient" Caucasians in attendance you'd think they'd play something other than super- angry gangster rap over the PA sometimes. Of course the crowd gets bigger and younger for Golden 1 games, but those are anomalies.

    There are quite a few sports at UCD I would never have seen were it not for the Aggie Pack incentives. Maybe PSU needs something similar.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    Even the cheap seats are good. It was a fun experience for me, even though I didn't care who won (Davis was not the opponent).

    I don't believe they even bother to sell tickets for the sections nearest the endzones for football games. I say the GA seats are the best. You can sit under the roof and be shielded from the rain. Bonus is a nice downtown view.

    I still believe having their games off- campus hurts attendance. Of course there's nowhere to put a football stadium (or a soccer field)on campus either. Since it's kind of a commuter school anything they do to make it less convenient for students to attend discourages it.
    Seems silly, but students can really be that lazy. The only students I saw were cheerleaders (who only perform in front of the more expensive seats). The rest were either old fogeys like me or children

    Portland is definitely a soccer city. I'm sure PortlandAggie would agree when I say the capacity of the Portland Pilots soccer stadium easily dwarves the Aggies', while Davis has a much bigger capacity for baseball. They probably draw about the same two dozen fansfor baseball.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    There was virtually no one sitting in the north stands when I went. They only bothered to open 2 concession stands. It really hurts attendance that they don't have an- campus stadium of their own. It's more like they're just squatting there. Providence Park doesn't have any PSU personality.
  • Lumberjack football to get the ax?
    Darn. I got my hopes up that the Lumberjacks being mentioned belonged to NAU.:-|

    I thought Humboldt State cut football long ago. No baseball and no football. Will Humboldt State switch to a new weird mascot and add a co- ed (to avoid Title IX problems) ultimate frisbee team now ? Maybe a non- scoring league where everyone gets a participation medal ? The Humboldt State Crystal. (for the area meth problem) Unicorns. Take that Santa Cruz!

    They destroyed CETYS 83- 14. Must have been a mix up, and CETYS thought HSU wanted to play "futbol", especially because the game was referred to as an 'international friendly". That just sounds like a soccer match.

    I was surprised Central Washington is on the schedule, thought they cut their program too. Must be thinking of Western Washington, which is another happy glitter sparkle unicorn school with no baseball or football.

    Simon Fraser is actually a conference opponent for HSU, for football only. They play the Nothern U.S. D2 programs quite a bit in other sports.
  • Week 2: University of San Diego @ UC Davis
    The one problem with this game I had was there was a big problem with the sound from the referee's mics. You couldn't hear a word !
  • Aggie Stadium
    Band and cheerleaders.


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