MBB 7:30 pm Saturday ESPN3: Aggies @ Irvine for the Big West Championship I bet you the school administration just want to distance themselves from the investigation and will spin the focus on the team other than Chima (especially the team has been performing well against all odds without Chima). Even the investigation ends with no charge on Chima, you probably don't see any UCD affiliated medias covering Chima going forward (or someone may question the school decision on suspending someone). I had a mix feeling after the team winning the regular season title. The rest of the team have been taking the extra workload to win this but the official winning picture without Chima is a disgrace (Chima has been a big part of this team and has been showing support to his bros since suspension). As I said in earlier post, Chima decision on hiring an agent tells you he is not going to be reinstated (whether his/school decision) and there must be some sort of deal to resolve this issue under the table between him and the administration.
On the prediction of the BW tourney, I hope the team can get into the final but everyone is looking to take revenge on the team who beat almost everyone without Chima. The result of 2nd round will determine whether we will win the tourney this year (I still recall the HI nightmare couple seasons ago when we lost to HI badly in the 2nd round of the tourney).