• 2022 Football Recruiting
    I looked at the roster just announced. It appears we have very good potential for a great team. Solid OL. Very good DL. Good to great DBs. LBs, I do not know. But what I do know is that Hawk has an abundance of talent at RB and QB. At RB we have Ulo, we have Larison, we have Dixon and others. The question is at QB IMHO. HR is very good, but how can you keep a guy like Tompkins off the field every play. He is a beast! I understand the team calls him the “Magic Man” apparently because he can do things others cannot do. Hard to see that we are not an offensively oriented running team next season. Look forward to your thoughts, as I am not an expert in this stuff.
  • 2021 Roster posted
    DR M. Can you elaborate? How can a team captain lose his starting position? I guess hard to do, unless the “underclassman” was very good. But, it is still a story that this type of thread would be very interested in knowing more about.
  • Off Season News
    Blue. Will do.
  • Off Season News
    DE article has a paywall. Couldn’t read it. So who plays point for us? Hard to see Campbell back so soon.
  • UCD students file class-action lawsuit over PE elimination
    Fug, I know you have great interest in this subject; but you have to be able to see that times have changed. Really changed! I suspect that you were a Banda member from your post, so I feel your pain. We loved you guys! We loved the Tractor blowing steam and smoke everywhere! We some times asked: when will it blow? Never, because it was removed (university insurance would not cover it). As to the Banda, we loved them until one Homecoming we brought as a guest a former female Banda member (Flautist) attractive young attorney and your leader came up the steps in the home section at Toomey; pointing out FEMALE members only as: “SHE WAS EASY; SHE WAS GOOD AT IT! COULDN’T BLOW A TUNE IF SHE HAD TO.” My wife (who was her best friend) was appalled; and, yes a Berkeley grad; flautist said “no big deal.” That was in the early ‘90s. Fug, times have changed. No current “flautist” would ever now say “no big deal” about being singled out publicly as your leader did back in the day. Also, I checked. Berkeley still has so-called PE. Maximum 4 semester units towards graduation. Also, has significant student fees close to UCD fees. Does the current UCD proposal differ that much? Again, I feel your pain. I want the tractor back! Just buy more insurance.
  • 2022 UCD baseball-Done
    Go, I think you nailed it. We won in DII and are not winning in DI. So no fans. No excitement. Irvine and SB seem to have to have the magic that we are missing. Watch out. I think UCSD will soon be up there with them. I do not like to think we are the bottom of the UC’s in any sport, but we are. Rocko, are you listening?
  • 2022 UCD baseball-Done
    Roy’s Hoskins getting a lot of great press and TV coverage during the Phillies series with the Giants. Of course, he is a Sac State grad and was called the “California Kid” by the Peacock guys. Hometown Sac kid who got one schollie offer and it was from Sac State. He is a great kid and Sac will use him very well in their recruiting efforts. Do we have anyone in the majors now? How did we miss on Hoskins?
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    I recall when Willie Mac hit one out of Candlestick back in the day. We were in the right filed bleachers and the ball was still rising as went over us. It would have to have been a 550+ home run. Right fielder never even took a step. Just looked up at it. I think they put a star or something to commemorate that incredible hit at the right field fence later. Willie Mac: one of a kind! Loved the guy more than Mays.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Yes, I think some changes would help. Bu there are many BB fans who would hate any changes because of what that “might” do to the purity of the sport. They love the lore of the sports uniqueness. I think any sport with no time limits to it is destined for failure in the long run. Kids will only watch something for so long, then they snooze out. My kids hated it when the Aggie announcer would state: “now we go into extra innings.” “Dad cant we go now!” I don’t think my kids have ever been to a MLBB game in their lives.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Thanks GoAgs. I think BB is a slowly dying sport like Cricket- but will never go away! Who cares? A brunch of old guys playing incredible slow games. I guess UK, India, Fiji, and Pakistan really love cricket. Aussie-SA who knows or who cares? Slow and slower, and then shall we have tea?
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    I was in davis yesterday and de Veres looked open to me. Grad weekend special maybe. Anyway, on to BB. An interesting story in the NYT today about MLBB and the dominance of pitchers this season. Record low batting averages this year, 6 no hitters so-far, record strikeouts (8.98) per game. The cause: “sticky substances.” MLBB is about to make some big changes to try and avert a fan crisis in the game. Very boring games! Prepare for suspensions for pitchers throwing with illegal stuff. And, yes, even moving the pitching mound back a foot or more. Like lowering the mound in 1968. Good read.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Rocko: donors + strippers= lights! Go down to Fresno and learn something! Oh, I forgot. We need local strippers. . . .well, work on it. Maybe we need a Hooters in Davis? Could be our new Grad. Great for recruiting!
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    All could be well soon. We will hire for fund raising the Fresno wrestling coach who just got booted for, among other things, allowed a stripper into a party for recruits, loaned money to a player for “parking tickets” and a bunch more inane infractions. Now, we know Fresno State is not the role model for D1 sports or for any aspect of college sports, but this seems excessive for the NCAA to come down so hard on poor Fresno State just for a stripper party? At least it was a safe party, right? Last I went to a game there the guys in front of me had just been released from prison. We got the big biker glare when they found out we were not Bulldog fans. Not a fun experience. But, hey, a few strippers, a few donors, and we get the lights, right? Rocko, get creative! But, we have to hire local. Can we get local strippers in Davis? Doubtful. I have to go to Home Depot tomorrow in Santa Rosa and the Hooters is right next door. I will ask if they travel. . . Meanwhile Fresno dropped more sports, Field Hockey, Men’s Tennis and Lacrosse. Thank God for Stanford!
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Movie, I think you might be right. I recall someone saying the electrical conduits were put in place as constructed and just waiting for lights. That was 15-20 years ago. But, no. There Never was a big campaign to install lights. Then it was around $200,000. Now probably 2x that. But, still if the Administration really wanted it, it is a small piece of change for them.
    What is the status on the present head BB coach’s contract?
    And no. Beer will not help this program. I think football has beer, but you have to go out of the stadium to get it and drink it. God forbid beer in the hands of Aggie fans in the stadium. Very dangerous!
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    20172. How will we ever know until we try it? Not a lot to do around Davis at night that I remember and now no Grad. So $200,000. For lights seems like no big deal. UC Davis is the second largest employer in the entire Sacto region last I saw. UC Davis Health is a very Big factor in UC Davis Athletics now and it is growing very fast. How about a challenge campaign for THE LIGHTS? I would certainly donate, except no body has asked.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Well, maybe without the lights it looks like we don’t even care about BB. It looks like SB recruits well in the South, but then, its no secret that Davis is much safer than many/most SoCal towns and their moms and dads know this. Did I once say how many Davis grads come back to town to take their kids on the downtown trick-or-treat night. I know because could not a room in Davis on Halloween a few years ago. “Busiest night of the year” desk clerk told me. Says a lot.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Simple. Population: SoCal has 2/3’s of the population of California. Many, many more players available in SoCal. So, why can’t we just recruit down there? It takes time, money and effort. That last thing: “E” for effort is pretty much all on the coaching staff. Just don’t know if they are dong a good job or not. Rocko has a big job in front of him with Aggie BB.
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    UC Santa Barbara has lights. Are we the only UC team in the BWC w/o lights?
  • Cal Poly-Humboldt
    But, they had a great football tradition. Beat us. When? DR. only D1 will get them there again. Hey when you go, you go BIG!