• WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    Love that Morgan girl. The pride of the Aggies and sonoma county!
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    Do I recall correctly that TAM Commerce came to Toomey probably 30 years ago in a playoffs game? These guys were huge and pushed us off the field. Then most of the TAM
    PLayers were found disqualified from the team. This is A LONG TIME AGO so do not expect my memory to be anything close to right.
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    But I forgot, there are volunteer assistant coaches allowed. Maybe the new coach is that. But she really looks like a winner for the Aggies in any case!
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    Pele, one of the greatest athletes in WBB history at Davis. She was the energizing force when she was playing. Absolutely fearless rebounding player. I think we may have missed her energy the past few years. I do not know if she has left davis, but if she has it was her decision. Jen would never ever fire her. IMHO
  • 2023 Season Preview
    Lan Larison, With his incredible scores on the 10 yard and pro agility tests I think he ranks as the most athletic guy on the team with Teddy a very close second. Larison is a RB so fast speed to the line of scrimmage is essential and we have already seen Larison do some of that. So that said with a decent OL we should be very good with the running game next season. As to the WR issue, why not Tompkins out there or as a slot. My feelings are to just get the guy on the field because he is just such a gamer. Very hard to bring down as well. I think he also seems to energize the team when he’s on the field. I would think he is recognized as an exceptional teammate IMHO. Hey, anyone called MAJIC has to be on the field!
  • Dobbins Stadium thoughts
    Nice comment Finn. I never meant to say davis was not an attractive place to attend college. It is probably the most safe college town in the country. A d I think that is why we recruit so much better with women players. The guys want exposure and flash. Not safety. We don’t have that. By the way, San Diego is the crime capital of the south. Apparently didn’t hurt their MBB a team. WTF do I know!
  • Dobbins Stadium thoughts
    Boy, UC San Diego leads the BW baseball standings and probably will win it all. That’s a lot for a team that has not been DI until recently. I predict that UCSD will become the dominant BW program in all, or at least most sports soon. Reason. Location, location, location. Media coverage. Very easy place to recruit to. If they ever get a football team I see the PAC12 calling. Remember Socher saying if Santa Barbara brings back football “don't expect me to recruit against them” you can x2 that against UCSD in all sports. And that is why we have to bring all our facilities up to,the highest possible standard.
    Yes, UCSD baseball has LIGHTS! We don’t. I think it matters. IMHO
  • Is it possible that the Graduate could return?
    The developers of the university mall (now known as the davis collection) and I have no idea how that came to be) have won the redevelopment plan for the old mall. The site plan does show a sizable space where the old grad was located. And does mention the former uses as a bar/restaurant. The developers are the Brixmor Property Group out of NY, NY. Phone number 212-869-3000. Don’t expect your call to be helpfully taken. But we can only hope. If you want, go on line and see the details of the project. Just Google it.
  • Is it possible that the Graduate could return?
    Movie, it’s way too complex. The owners were going through a divorce. The new UM owners were way too aggressive in their plans. They really didn’t have any idea about how davis politics works. And then come the neighbors! So I don’t live there anymore. But when I lived there, I have had many other out of town people from Texas and Michigan who I took there who said “this is so great just like like home” and then there was dance night! Did you ever see the twins dance? Or some of the football players? Absolutely great . I even saw some of our adversaries come in for a burgers after a game. I know you guys have seen them too. So I have hope the Graduate will be back! There is no competition for this type of venue in Davis now. I would consider investing!
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    I watched the game. I think her value on the court was her defense. Totally aware of everything going on the court.love my Mo!
  • Dobbins Stadium thoughts
    Obviously off topic, but the Aggie softball team was eliminated in the first playoff round. Surprisingly so was UCLA the number 2 seed by Liberty 2-1. Brooke Yanez took the loss. Brooke has had an amazing career over 6 seasons, of course starting as an Aggie in 2018, then at oregon and finally at UCLA. I believe she thew a 2 hitter in the loss. Certainly was one of the most outstanding players to ever don an Aggie uniform male or female.
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    I could not be more excited. From the wilds of sonoma she is the best,
  • Dobbins Stadium thoughts
    Thank you for your input. Appreciate it for full information
  • Dobbins Stadium thoughts
    Dobbins is actually a very attractive baseball stadium. It was designed correctly from the start in terms of orientation to the southwest to the northeast to help prevent sun issues for the players. Stanfords sunken Diamond stadium on the other hand faces due south and is not properly positioned. This can create major sun issues for the defensive players. I grew up in Palo Alto and went to many games at the sunken Diamond. There were never many people at the games I went. Maybe 300 or so, but this was in The 60s/70s and Stanford did not have lights! Then Stanford started winning games in the ‘90s. They then learned that the NCAA rules were such that no team could host a regional if it did not have lights. Guess what. Stanford got lights dues to a $500,000 gift from a former player in the early ‘90s. So, yes. Lights matter in the game of baseball. I am told that once the lights went in at Stanford the attendance went up significantly. I am told that when Dobbins was built they had the foresight to install conduit for future lights. If true it would seem that we could get lighting pretty cheap. So, every college baseball stadium in Northern California, it seems, has lights except for UC Davis. If this is ok with our ICA people I think an explanation form the AD would be in order. IMHO
  • Evaluating the athletic department
    Speaking of the cows, are they staying forever in the middle of the campus? I love cows. I also happen to love pigs, but they were summarily kicked off campus years ago. I missed the poor guys. I thought it or they brought a much needed sense of a rural essence (?) to what is the best ag school in the world. The kids over on the quad never even knew about them. Emil Mark famously said that he loved his students for their intelligence, but much more for their humility and the ability to walk through cow/horse/whatever shit without fainting or having a nosebleed, girls included. Yes, the smell of cows sometimes wafts through the football field during games. Who cares? The opposition? Again, who cares! After all is said and done, we are Aggies and we don’t faint over some “bad smells”. So I say to the field hockey team, play on, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm on your face and hope the breezes from the cow sheds flow in to your opponents faces. Hey, it’s our secret weapon! Use it. (Modified Irish blessing??)
  • Evaluating the athletic department
    Well, I thought that the Bob Dunning article in the enterprise today about the lack of lighting at Dobbins stadium was right on. It really does not help one our major sports teams to be so lacking in competitive abilities not to have lights on such a beautiful baseball stadium. Which if you have any memory was basically first built by volunteers. Rocky was not the AD back in the days when this happened. Same thing with the soccer stadium which uses the same berm to the east for seating. So I give rocky a pass. But to see sac state and other programs be an able to do lights and we cannot is just frankly embarrassing. Rocky, please issue a statement on this issue!
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    She always could score. Her issue was defense against quality opponents. This was a great sign that this doubt has been resolved. Fabulous block because it was not just the typical jumper block, but a block that showed she was focused on wherever her opponent was coming from with the ball. Love Mo.
    Thank you, Tom
    from Santa Rosa USA!
  • WBB: Aggies Playing Pro Abroad
    Awesome interview of an amazing athlete and person. Does this mean she has made the Skys roster or has just been invited to camp?
  • Causeway Cup (?) 2022-23
    Read the entire results sheet, and seems the teams had about equal first place/second place winners, but sac it appears has a much deeper team than the Aggies. Believe we also had some injuries or holdouts for the BW meet coming soon. For instance we have one of the top men’s pole vault guy on the coast and he didn’t even get to play. I have always hated the duel meet scoring system which awards the depth of the teams, I.e. 1st place gets 5 point, and the 2d and 3d combine for 5 as well. No, I am really not complaining that much, it’s just what has been in place for decades and I was good with it my own very old running days. My only issue is: do the Aggies invest as much as sac insofar as track and field are concerned? If not, I am really bothered by that. Track and field is a great Olympic sport and we don’t need to see it diminished.IMHO
  • Aggie Baseball Scores Thread 2023
    Cost. MLBB bats cost $100-200.