• Evaluating the athletic department
    Sorry to follow, but i just saw that the buckhorn restaurant which was and is for me a favored place at the famers market in davis and obviously is the only place to go in winters is now a sponsored company for sac state. I simply cannot understand this.
  • Evaluating the athletic department
    Given the current state of affairs in the FBS what university (out side of the Deep South) would want to go there? Frankly I wonder if college football as we now know it will even be around in a few years.
  • Wild World of Realigment
    So, Ron Gould out of a job now. Teresa Gould soon to be as well. The sad human side of all of this is often overlooked. I would think Teresa would land on her feet OK, but for Ron it may be much harder. Riches to rags kind of story. I wish them well.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    If we just don’t make any big mistakes we should be fine. Do not underestimate TAMC! They are a good football team and will come out fired up before a big crowd. It will be a very close game. IMHO
  • Soccer halftime update
    Wow! To beat two very good programs is great to say the least. Aggies and BWC looking very strong so far.
  • Volleyball statement win
    Looks like there’s something really good going on here. This is a team with mostly sophomore and freshman with a few junior players. Excellent first two games against power 5 schools.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I did look at sac’s football website and they do look pretty formidable. They are using the
    Portal very effectively. But don’t all football websites look formidable. TAMC’s is actually quite scary so we will see ery soon.
  • 2023 Season Preview
    These running backs are all in the perfect size range plus or minus a bit. Look at Christian Maccaffery of the forty Niners. 5’11 and 210 lbs who is not a very big RB for the NFL bit he is extremely talented because he is so agile. Larison could be that guy for us. I hope he eats like Maccaffery because the guy has an amazing dietary regime. Look it up. Could work for us? No sugary foods. No alcohol. A lot of water and vegetables.

  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    Just go shower then to bed. No more mickeys.
    Tomorrow we’re all going to be good to go. No more newsoms, no more Texas no more political crap. This is a Aggie sports talk post! That’s it!
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    Boy. Dr mike. AggieFinn2. You are trying to make the first Aggie football game of 2023 into clash of political issues (Texas versus California)? Seems like you actually Are rooting for the Texas team.
    Cool off. Maybe take a shower. politics has no place in this thread. Shame for introducing this political issue onto this forum. Actually it is Newson not Newton. I thought you guys went to UCD and got an educational. Weird.
  • 2023 Season Preview
    Define “boundary safety” actually ever have heard that term before.
  • 2023 Season Preview
    I saw that the Conner twins were switched to DB from LB. They are very big for DBs. Hope that they match that with speed. Maybe when we go to 5 DBs one will play as a rusher strong safety.
  • 2023 Season Preview
    Do we use a three man DL exclusively? With three or four LBs? Seems like there’s a lot of meat on the DL bone here. Pretty good bunch to say the least.
  • Wild World of Realigment
    Reuters recent.y ran an article that focused on the effect realignment would have on the Olympic sports I.e. the cost of sending the Stanford woman’s swim or softball team to Rutgers for instance. Very costly to say the least.and Stanford is famously proud of its Olympic sports performance. Mentions the importance to players of having their families be able to see them play. Mentions how difficult it will be for teams that play more than one game a week and how they will be negatively impacted traveling from the west coast. Insofar as these so called minor sports are concerned and these concerns, it seems like the big west may be in pretty good shape and we might even see some player defections from the PAC-4 schools to the big west (not in article).
  • Wild World of Realigment
    Might help reciting at least in California as one of the major disappointments stated by the departing schools is that they cannot sell a major issue with recruiting: will my family be able to see me play. No they cannot when you are playing in New Jersey or wherever. IMHO
  • Wild World of Realigment
    Makes too much sense to ever be seriously considered by FBS schools. Cal and Stanford, for instance, would hate idea of having to concede the sacramento valley fans to us and sac state. FBS is also just starting to realize that they can use the FCS as a cheap minor or developmental league with the portal. I would love to see it happen, but not holding breath for now.
  • 2023 Season Preview
    River you are so wise. So I looked it up. I was not a very good economics guy.

    “That which is common to the greatest number gets the least amount of care. Men pay most attention to what they own.”

    All is not not lost. My beloved granddaughter now is hiking in the desolation valley area above Tahoe and the NPS is right there to keep her safe. “Sign in and we will keep track of all of you! “ We have to keep our commonly shared lands/ideas open. Boy, we are drifting away subjectwise , but it is important that we stick to important issues. To Take care of our children for the future!! And that includes college sports . . IMHO
  • 2023 Season Preview
    Not to be too harsh in this subject, after all we are a capitalist nation, where money is the only thing that matters. But, the Bible says avarice is one of the seven deadly sins and that fraud is the daughter of greed. Seems we are losing our way here. And I sadly believe that it will not end well for college sports in the long run.