COVID-19 You're spot on. It's almost as if we're living in two parallel universes. Who would have thought a global pandemic could become a partisan and cultural issue and create such a divide. Only someone as completely tone deaf and incompetent as Trump could use this as a wedge issue as opposed to using it to united and bring everybody together in a collective effort to "defeat" the virus. The opportunity was there and instead he weaponized it and it's costing lives.
I broke down and finally got a haircut this week, it had been about 5 months and made myself go. I see the same guy who works in a small shop so I knew there wouldn't be crowd. We both wore masks like sane people, but then lo and behold the two people in the next chair over came in and neither wore a mask and were talking and putting god knows what into the air in the salon. I couldn't get out of there fast enough, but despite me wearing my mask, they're ignorance / selfishness could have possibly infected me.
I hate to get too political on here, but I certainly appreciate your perspective. Living in Texas it's obviously not the easiest of places to have a left of center perspective on things. It's definitely times like this I wish I were back in a place like California. I know it's not perfect by any means but it's better than the lack of leadership we have at the state level here that once again is literally killing people.