• Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    Yeah, the name's been changed but it don't mean $hit until the band is ACTUALLY ALLOWED TO PLAY AS PROMISED. Depending on whenever the university hires a new director, we might not even see this band for months, possibly after football season is over.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    According to the Facebook page for Cal Poly's band, they've been told that UC Davis can no longer host them for the game against Poly.

    It's bad enough that the university kept its own band from going to away games... :roll:
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    According to an athletics email, it looks like Saturday's game against Lehigh will have the drumline from the Sacramento Mandarins performing instead of any band made of UC Davis students.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    I've never seen the movie yet I know exactly how the university has shot itself in the foot here. Hang on, I'll look it up...

    ...ah yes, here it is. (Warning: not exactly a family-friendly link.)
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    Send that analysis to Bob Dunning, at least.

    I don't know yet of any specific, targeted fight that's being done, but I think any real response from students, alumni or fans would need to be BIG.

    I learned yesterday that the doors to the band room on campus no longer say "Cal Aggie Band" on them. Supposedly the painted letters were removed on Tuesday, the same day the news dropped on us. The university seems to want to push the Band-uh into the past as quickly as possible.
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ San Diego
    Just got back home from San Diego. Whew, what a stressful game. I was optimistic that the Aggies would win but I really did think that they would win by a bigger margin. Too many critical mistakes (e.g. turnovers in the red zone) took care of that. For what it's worth, San Diego had 11.5 minutes more time-of-possession than the Ags. The final minute was absolutely nerve-wracking. It was really difficult to see what happened on the final Torero play; seems a bit more obvious when watching the video clip on the Ags' Twitter page.

    But, a win is a win is a win.

    I don't know if anyone could tell from the stream, but there were a LOT of Aggie fans at the game. At least half of one side of the stadium seemed to be filled with people wearing blue and gold. It was also very very hot in those stands.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    "Don't do anything you're not comfortable doing!" was frequently spoken when I was in band. I can't imagine those naked hot tub sessions would have been mandatory. At least, not in my experience.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    I don't know what the options are, beyond letting everyone know what importance you see in the CAMB.

    If I had the stomach to read whatever it is The California Aggie or The Sacramento Bee have published, I'd send letters to their editors in response.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    You're absolutely right. For this CAMB alumnus right here, this is a huge punch to the gut. It actually didn't register too big when I first heard the news earlier today because I've become so numb to years of administrators pouncing on the Band-uh at every opportunity. Now it's starting to sink in. And you're damn right I'm not planning on opening my wallet for the university with the way things are. I've always been happy to donate directly to the Band-uh itself, but now...?

    I suddenly feel so disconnected from UC Davis athletics. I attended so many football games, basketball games (men's & women's), gymnastics meets, even a swim meet as a band member. We always cheered on the athletes, and many of them cheered on us. I even met a few coaches and heard them say how much they appreciated us. Every time I've streamed a game from far away, I've thought of all those great memories and they've reinforced the excitement I've felt to watch the Aggies play. And now every game from this point forward is going to be tinged with sadness for me, knowing the organization I loved and helped pass down to future students will be no more. I live way down in SoCal; do I still have a reason to drive up to the homecoming game? To Picnic Day? Is there a point to me still interacting with my alma mater? I'm sure other alumni who were part of less active organizations do that, but for me it will never be the same knowing that my music-playing is no longer wanted.

    I don't personally know how much misconduct had been going on recently, though certainly steps should be taken to limit it. It just feels like the many are being made to suffer for the actions of the few. Surely, if the Florida A&M Marching 100 can continue to exist after a drum major was beaten to death in one of their own rituals, the California Aggie Marching Band-uh can be allowed to continue despite not having had any members die at each others' hands?
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    If he gets on the Raiders' practice squad, is there a chance he can make their roster later? (I'm not familiar with how this whole thing works.) I admit I'm already used to seeing him in silver & black.
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    Damn, I can't emphasize enough just how much I love listening to Keelan Doss speak. What a great guy.
  • UC Davis to play USC 2021
    Great! Looking forward to having to tell all the locals down here what "FCS" means. :roll:
  • Keelan Doss signs with Raiders, Mason Moe signs with Eagles
    Very glad for them both, and especially for Keelan Doss getting to don the silver and black!

    ...as Hawkins points out, the guy who arrives at next month’s camp is still Keelan Doss: “Keelan will be fine. He’s going to outwork, out-think, out-hustle and out-dedicate everyone else. That’s just who he is.”
  • WBB Big West Conference Tournament March 12-16
  • Increasingly Frustrated With CA Logo
    When I look at the wishbone-CA I usually see blue or gold or sometimes white, but I've never seen any red.
  • Enterprise Article: New Student-Athlete Practice Field and Performance Center
    Somewhere...anywhere...The Grad's gotta be there.
  • Alliance of American Football
    Interesting. I saw a little bit of that San Diego-San Antonio game while flipping through channels but didn't pause to look at it much. If I see Colton Schmidt's team on I'll stop to take a closer look.
  • Gamblin' Dan to Talk in SF
    Where does one find out more about this "tour" of sorts? Like, where he'll visit in SoCal...
  • MBB: The Real Season
    I've been reading the (dour) posts on here but I have yet to watch a game. How do people here think the team will fare in conference play?