• Mens' Water Polo, 2018
    Water polo score from Stanford: Stanford 13, UCD 10. A loss to be sure, but with each season we are doing better against the big four water polo schools.
  • 2018-19 Causeway Cup
    Ooops, wrong thread.
  • 2018-19 Causeway Cup
    ...Aggie men sweep Slack State in soccer this year with a 1-0 victory today at Slack. Running score is now UCD 15, Slack 0.

    Next event is men's and women's cross country at the NCAA West Regionals to be held November 9th in Sacramento.
  • Week 9: UC Davis @ Montana

    "The Daily Missoulian has a 16-page ‘Gameday’ insert in the paper today. In depth analysis of the teams, short bios of 8 Ags with their pictures, depth charts, etc. We’re not in California!"

    The entire print edition of The Bee is something like 34 pages, 10 of which are classifieds and "puff piece" articles devoted to real estate. Scanning the e-print/pdf edition I cannot find a single article on college football at any level.

    The print edition of the Saturday Bee now costs $4.00.

    Back to football; Go Ags!
  • Uniforms
    "...that messy collage of colors and scribbles that Maryland has on their helmets..."

    Also known as the flag of the state of Maryland, which may mean that the state flag is a messy collage of colors and scribbles.
  • Controversy Surrounds Sac State's Current Troubles
    It is hard to blame this year's performance on players who left two years ago. They had a good season last year after those departures and were at least thinking playoffs as they played the Causeway game. Did he have similar problems at EWU and WSU? Then again, looking at Sear's overall W-L record, last year's success may have been the blip rather than this year's anemic performance.
  • Controversy Surrounds Sac State's Current Troubles
    And as luck would have it, one of the departures was a QB who went to North Dakota and came back to Sacramento this past weekend to defeat Slack.
  • Controversy Surrounds Sac State's Current Troubles
    Back in the dark ages when a handful of Slack fans still wrote on the fan site, they had this to say about the article:


    Essentially that it is a quickly written, thinly researched hit piece. There are lots of reasons people leave teams, and a new coaching regime usually spurs an uptick in departures.
  • Aggie Stadium
    I'm thinking Ahwahnee Stadium.
  • Week 7: Homecoming vs. Idaho State
    I have criticized the Bee for its decline in coverage of local college sports, so should acknowledge this morning that the Bee’s website ran AP articles on both the UCD and CSUS games, and that the print edition ran an article on the Davis game, attributed to “Bee Sports Staff.”

    The Davis game:

    The Sac State game:
  • Week 7: Big Sky
    Absolute silence on the Sac Buzz site. Other than the Colter Nuanez Big Sky features, no one has posted there since mid-week.
  • Week 7: Homecoming vs. Idaho State
    My father graduated from a Big Ten school. I have sat with him on snow covered bleachers and listened as he told fans who were flocking out of the stadium where the result was long since decided and the thermometer was approaching zero that the game's not over yet. Flash forward some years and he has moved to the Bay Area and adopted Cal as his college team of convenience. He left ONE game early...right after John Elway marched Stanford down field for a go ahead score. He left to move the family car for a post game tailgate. As he walked to the car he heard the crowd cheer...seems the Bears had taken the kick-off and proceeded to lateral ...well you know.
  • Week 7: Big Sky
    Slack State could used a QB like that Ketteringham at UND.
  • Despair across the Causeway
    That was going to be next, but I couldn't get past the "Done" thread where one writer flat out abandons all hope and gives up on the the team forever and in perpetuity and until the end of days. In the dark times with the basketball team losing to a D-III art academy and the "always punt on fourth down" football team I never entertained the idea of flushing it all away. I swore a lot, but never swore it off.
  • ESPN - Bad Beats
    I also like that the reserves weren't pulled the minute the waves started crashing over the side of the boat. Let them stay in, try to deal with it themselves.....hard lesson but valuable experience. One of the reasons for the streak way, way back, was that reserves got a lot of playing time and were ready when their time came to start. Sometimes you trip and fall before you learn to walk.
  • ESPN - Bad Beats
    Hopefully the reserves got some experience that they can turn into a positive lesson. I doubt that UNC's covering the spread put a real crimp in the Vegas books.
  • Week 6: Big Sky
    In the Bee's defense, Stormi Daniels had a better night than the Hornets.
  • Week 6: Big Sky
    A couple of things I do miss about the Midwest. My California born and raised wife and I were back there about this time of year ten years ago. She was in awe of fall colors and that was just driving along the Interstate near Chicago. Imagine driving through parts of Minnesota or Wisconsin, or along the Mississippi River between Iowa and Illinois in October and November. I don't miss humid summers, or sub-zero winters, but I would like to wake up to snow on Christmas morning. It can melt by the 26th, but that one morning a year...
  • Week 6: Big Sky
    Back to the Bee and recent coverage....they couldn't send a reporter a couple of miles to cover a Sac State vs Cal Poly game, but sent a reporter to a strip club in Rancho Cordova to cover an appearance by an aging porn star who is reviving her otherwise moribund career by telling her tale of bedding the groper-in-chief, ...but I digress.

    Beat the Bengals!